Doe Registrations:
$14.00 each
Buck Registrations:
$22.00 each
Uploading of historical pedigree
(not currently registered on the database)
Fee may be charged only for time spent entering data.
Transfer of Registration with in BGA:
$11.00 each
Transfers from other associations :
Owners have access to print their own animal/s Certificates - These Printed Certificates have a security code which can be used to check the authenticity of the pedigree by taking you directly to the BGA database pedigree.
Stud Name and Prefix :
Stud names have no restrictions and may or may not include Boer Goat . Your stud prefix must have 2-3 characters , it can include numbers and does not have to be related to your stud name , Eg : My Boer Goats - MBG or My Boer Goats - MB1 or My Boer Goats -xyz .
All stud names and prefixes will require a committee member approval .
Goat registration number :
Registration Number: –
Individual Animal ID
1. Stud Prefix XXX,
2. Grades as follows
G1/G2/GP Upgrade system
3. Year Letter (optional) 2022 was "T"
Then individual herd number (0001 or numbering system of your choice Ie: could use the year then number (eg 2201 = first kid born in 2022)
Therefore Flossy's ID is - XXXFT0001
All goats registered with Boer Goat Australia must be permanently identified with the unique number allocated to that goat by this association, in one of the following ways and at all times must abide by the NLIS requirements set in each state:
Ear Tags (Single tag only)
If a single ear tag is used it must be NLIS State compliant, meaning it must have printed on it the breeders P.I.C. number, together with the goats registered I.D. (herd number).
Important Note: Check your state requirements for the mandatory NILS Electronic Ear Tags for goats.
Ear Tags (Double Ear tags)
​One ear tag must be NLIS compliant , it must have printed on it the breeders P.I.C. number together with the animals I.D. number (herd number) , the other a breeder tag must have the animals ID number (herd number ).
Microchips are no longer an approved form of identification for goats in Australia.
This format is Optional (not compulsory) – The goat must have an ear tag NLIS State compliant , printed with the breeders P.I.C. number, which can also have printed the goats herd I.D. number.
De-Activation of an Animal:
When an owner wishes a goat to be "De-Activated" - Ie - Not to be used for breeding Registered Stock they can use the "Animal Disposal Function" in the Database & select Sold/Dead/Inactive - The animal & all previously related animals will always remain on the Database for Genetic Lineage. A de-activated goat can be re-activated if a request is made in writing, a fee does apply to re-instate.
Transfer of Registration:
Between BGA Members - Transfer of Ownership can be completed on the Database by the vendor or the receiving Stud. Members must complete the goats transfer to its new owner within a reasonable time period, this association recommends within 30 days,
From other Database/Association -
All goats transferred to ‘BGA’ from another Boer Goat Association will be required to be forward to the BGA Secretary on a scanned copy of both sides of their registration certificate.
This is to enable historical uploading of parentage if not already recorded within the Database. This step will simplify registrations of progeny of that animal for the owner & ensure a full parentage is visible on the Certificate & on the Database. A fee may apply for uploading of historical Data. The animal will become Active within your Herd list once upload complete & payment of fee is received.
Kids @ Foot -
A Doe with not yet registered kid/s still at foot (Ie: less than 4mths of age) – the Doe will be required to be transferred into the new owners name, the kid(s) can be registered in the new owners name without the requirement of a transfer. Forms apply
Pregnant Doe/s -
The Doe will need to be transferred into the new owners Stud. The vendor should provide a form with details of the Sire & Dates during which the Doe was running with the buck. The resulting progeny can be registered by the new owner by "attaching" the breeding evidence form with the registrations.
Please note both the transferrer and transferee must confirm the goats identification details as recorded on the registration certificates.
Breed Standards Booklets also available -
The BGA have accepted the South African Boer Goat Association Breed Standards with some minor alterations to suit the Australian Boer Goat.
Our official BGA Breed Standard Booklet was created with the assistance & approval of the SA Boer Goat Association.
Breeders must be financial members of Boer Goat Australia in order to Register their stock.
Boer Goat Australia breed codes recorded on registration certificates will be as follows:
Standard Fullblood Boer = F
Red Fullblood Boer (includes Blacks )= R
Upgrade registrations will be recorded as G1,G2,G3,G4,G5 and GP(Graded Purebred)
Fullblood Boer
‘Fullblood’ means a goat with 100% Boer Goat genetics traceable back to South African Imported stock/embryos.
Standard Boer
The ideal is a white goat with a red head and ears, (+/- a white blaze) and fully pigmented skin. Shadings between light and dark red are permissible.
Red Boer:
The ideal is a fully brown (Red) goat with colour shadings that ranges between light brown to dark brown. Allowance for white colouring similar to the allowance of excess Red areas on Standards.
Kalahari Red Goat: Now registered together, under the Red Boer Register.
The ideal is a fully brown (Red) goat with colour shadings that ranges between light brown to dark brown.
The Australian Red Boer Goat: Now Registered together under the Red Boer Register.
The ideal is a fully brown (Red) goat with colour shadings that ranges between light brown to dark brown.
Black Boer:
Black Boers are registerable under the "Red Boer" Breed Prefix - These animals are from Red over Red Breeding where one or both parents carry the Black Gene. The "Colour" Black can be chosen from the Colour Drop Down Box on the data base.
The Painted Boer:
Painted Boers can be registered under the Standard Or Red Register depending on owner preference based on “main colour" or based on "parentage". Any colour is acceptable from pale brown “Blonde” through to all shades of red and brown or black.
The "most relevant" colour option can be chosen under the Colour Drop Down Box on the data base.
Upgrade Doe Registrations:
‘Fullblood’ means a goat with 100% Boer Goat genetics traceable back to South African Imported stock/embryos.
The aim of the Upgrade Doe Register is to promote the Boer Goat for improving Commercial Meat Goats with the use of Boer Goat Genetics.
The Upgrade Doe registry will include 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Crosses then Graded Purebred on 6th cross as GP Pure breed Australian Boer Goat.
Upgrading can only be granted when the sire is a Fullblood Boer (Registered in the Standard or Red Register)
- Doe Progeny of a Unregistered Doe & Sired by a Registered Fullblood Buck will be registered as a G1 (1st.Cross).
- Doe Progeny of a G1 Doe & Sired by a Registered Fullblood Buck will be registered as a G2
-Doe Progeny of a G2 Doe & Sired by a Registered Fullblood Buck will be registered as a G3
- Doe Progeny of a G3 Doe & Sired by a Registered Fullblood Buck will be registered as a G4
- Doe Progeny of a G4 Doe & Sired by a Registered Fullblood Buck will be registered as a G5
- Doe Progeny of a G5 Doe & Sired by a Registered Fullblood Buck will be registered as a GP Grade (Purebred Doe )
Australia Pure Bred Boer Goat’s registry G6=GP (Grade for pure bred ) GP grade can only be registered as a Australian Pure Bred Boer Goat and breed only with registered full blood sire to produce an Australian Pure Bred Boer Goat -prefix AP.
Leased Animals:
Progeny for registration where one parent is not owned by the Stud registering the progeny, must be accompanied by a signed ‘Certificate of Stud Service’ form or ‘Certificate of Lease’ form signed by both parties.
Artificial Insemination (A.I):
Where a goat is the result of an A.I. from fresh or frozen semen, the registration application must be accompanied by a letter stating the date of A.I. and must be signed by the owner of the semen.
Embryo Transfer (ET):
Where the goat is the result of an Embryo Transfer the registration application must be accompanied by a copy of the Vet./Technicians certificate detailing date of ET, Dam and owner of Dam and Donor Sire.
Purchased Embryo(s):
Where the goat is a result of an ET and the Embryo was purchased, the registration application must be accompanied by a letter from the owner/seller of the Embryo(s) signed with details of date of sale, together with a copy of the Vet. / Technicians certificate detailing date of implant, name of Sire and Dam of Embryo.
Boer Goat Australia will except all Australian Boer Goat associations/societies fullblood registrations which trace back on both sire and dams side to Boer Goat genetics from South African bred animals .